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This Yonex Nanospeed 3000-whitelime-2011 are available on Amazon at a discounted price! Click here to take advantage of this discount.
Here are some of the great features of Yonex Nanospeed 3000-white/lime-2011
Yonex Nanospeed 3000-whitelime-2011, This Nanospeed is light and very quick, great for the Ladies and Juniors
- choice of strings: BG-65 for overall perfromance, BG-65Ti for durbility, Nanogy-95 for power
- flexible shaft
- nanocarbon at 80-84 grams with small grip size (G5)
- Racket strung by 'Official Yonex Stringer"
- Genuine Yonex product, Made in Japan
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