This is a perfect time! The price on the best selling Holga 35mm 135 Classical Camera just dropped few days ago. After researching deeply I found Amazon store that is the best and the lowest price as I can find from online store.
This Holga 35mm 135 are available on Amazon at a reduced price! Click this link to take advantage of this lower price!
Here are some of the great features of Holga 35mm 135 Classical Camera
Holga 35mm 135, Description: Holga 35mm: Staying true to the classic cult Holga status, its images seep crazy color and contrast to tickle your senses – using the 35mm regular film format. Like the original medium-format Holga, it’s got an all-plastic lens that gives its legendary status. The Holga 35mm has two shutter and aperture settings for you to tinker on. Its film advance and shutter are uncoupled, which means that you can shoot unlimited multiple exposures on the same frame (just not too much!). It takes in 35mm film so the shots are fully panoramic. Take home the traditional Holga aesthetic packed in a 35mm body now! Also available in the Bent Corners and Pinhole Versions. • 35mm film format • Plastic 47mm f/8 lens • Zone focus feature – portrait, small group, big group and infinity. • Standard hotshoe for external flash • Uncoupled advance & shutter for multiple exposures Whats in the Box Camera Strap Instruction Booklet
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